Friday 15 May 2015

Walk #38 Stow On The Wold, Gloucestershire

Walk 6 out of 100
Walk #38 - Stow On The Wold

Overall Rating - 

Suggested Difficulty - Challenging
My Difficulty Rating - 

Suggested Time - 5 hours
Actual Time Taken - 5h 25m

Distance in book - 17km
Map my walk Distance - 20.63km

Stow On The Wold - Start and Finish
For walk number six I chose something a bit different from the previous five. Instead of climbing hills this walk took in six delightful Cotswold villages. I can say before even starting that the Cotswolds is a beautiful part of the country and would highly recommend visiting! My first top tip: Tesco car park in Stow, FREE for 72 hours, meaning I could have got lost for 3 days without being fined!

So I have given this walk a three star rating, very picturesque villages, beautiful countryside, many houses that I would love to be able to buy but would need to win the lottery or have a long lost great uncle leave me his fortune. As for the not so good, I'm a sucker for stunning views and this one didn't quite live up to some of the others from previous walks. The route was very easy to follow, until a rather intimidating herd of cows edged us into the wrong corner of a field...
St Mary's - Icomb

This is the first time I've done a walk over the guide time which surprised me a little bit, probably something to do with the extra 3.5km the book seemed to miss out on the route. Not quite sure why the book called it a 'challenging' walk when it was easy to navigate and there wasn't any steep sections. I guess it may be because of the length of the walk, that or the fact you may find it challenging to accept how poor you are walking past all the amazing houses! 

St. Leonard's - Bledington

One of the perks of doing the walk in spring was that the flowers, blossom, and general pretty...ness, made everything a little bit more enjoyable. It also allowed me to test out the macro setting on my camera. 
Racehorses a plenty being near Cheltenham

Another walk I'd give a recommendation for, particularly if you like pretty little villages over climbing big hills. 

Thanks for reading,


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