Thursday 21 July 2016

Walk #90 Beddgelert, Gwynedd

Walk 15 out of 100
Walk #80 - Beddgelert 

Overall Rating - 

Suggested Difficulty - Moderate
My Difficulty Rating - 

Suggested Time - 3 hours
Actual Time Taken - 3h 22m

Distance in book - 9.2km
Map my walk Distance - 9.9km

Beddgelert car park, start/finish
Before going into the details of the walk I have news, I'm now a teacher Huzzah! What better way to meet your new work mates than to take a trip to Snowdonia, drink cider, eat food, white water raft and squeeze in a walk?! 
I have given the walk a 4 popcorn rating thanks to the great views and the variety in scenery/terrain. 

The route was pretty straight forward to follow as you stick to the river for two thirds of the walk and the other third is just straight up a valley. There were a few tricky parts with the slippery rocks at the start and the ascent through the valley but overall. it was pretty plain sailing. 

We were pretty lucky with the weather after a total wash out the rest of the weekend (WALES!) and I wouldn't fancy walking on the rocky riverside when it's chucking it down so worth taking note. 

We also got quite lucky to be crossing the track of the Welsh Highland Railway at the same time an old steam locomotive passed by.

Once the first section of the walk is completed alongside the river, the path takes you up through a very picturesque valley with great views and a few remnants of the past as you pass old mine workings. 

When you reach the top of the valley there are great views across 'Llyn Dinas' before you begin a fairly steep descent towards the shore of the lake. I definitely wouldn't want to do this route in the opposite direction!

The last third of the walk is pretty straight forward, picking up the river and following good paths/roads before reaching the town of Beddgelert where you can pick up a well deserved ice-cream (we didn't, the shop was rammed...).
I'd recommend this walk for anybody who visits Snowdonia but doesn't fancy taking on any of it's mountains. It gives you plenty for your efforts without having to sweat your backside off.

Thanks to Ricky for the company and as always, Thanks for reading,


And follow me on Twitter @stefanvilla1991

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