Wednesday 4 March 2015

Walk #15 Clent Hills, Worcestershire

Top of Adam's Hill 10 minutes from start.

Walk 1 out of 100
Walk #15 - Clent Hills Worcestershire 

Overall Rating - 

Suggested Difficulty - Moderate
My Difficulty Rating - 

Suggested Time - 3 hours
Actual Time Taken - 2h 49m

Distance in book - 10km
Map my walk Distance - 12.14km

The Fountain at Clent, Start/Finish.
 So for the first walk of the blog I decided to head just 15 minutes from my home to Clent Hills. It made sense to choose somewhere semi-familiar for the first walk just to get used to the maps and directions given in the guide. Basically, if they were useless and I got lost I knew it wouldn't be that difficult to get myself back on track! I did find the guide works well, the directions were pretty clear and the map provided was useful although it was made a bit harder as they are 1:50,000 compared to the usual 1:25,000 Ordinance Survey maps.
More great views from Adam's Hill

I have given the walk a 3 star rating overall, kinda sat on the fence a little bit leaving myself enough room either side for future walks. The best bits are definitely the great panoramic views you get from the top of Adam's hill and Walton hill. You also get a bit of variety on this walk as you travel along woodland paths, open fields and country lanes. I wouldn't class the walk as difficult, there are a few short climbs (no longer than 5 minutes) and a few muddy patches but the terrain and paths were pretty good to walk on.

Visitor centre

As the hills are part of the National Trust, the visitor centre is great for providing you with information and refreshments. The only problem with the route I took was that I made it there after about 20 minutes, hardly worth stopping so soon into the walk! I did take a couple of 2 minute breaks later in the walk to top up the fuel tank and take these professional standard photographs...

The First section of the walk is probably the best, as you get the views from both summits (Jiminy enjoying views from Walton Hill above). You also walk past St. Kenelm's Church which is quite a cute little country church.

The majority of the walk from the church onwards is through farm land. You still get many beautiful views in the background but also get close to some of the local residents of the area. I even encountered some Shamels (sheep crossed with a camel, more commonly known as Alpacas and Llamas!) on my journey.
Calcot Hill Farm

All in all, a very successful first walk, I would recommend it to anybody visiting the area or anybody who is local and has a spare sunny Sunday afternoon that needs filling with something other than a roast dinner. I don't think it would be worth travelling any great distances just to do it, but it is quite staggering how something around 10 miles from Birmingham can be so beautiful, at times you really do feel like you are more like 100 miles away!

1 down, 99 to go! 

Thanks for reading,

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