Wednesday 24 June 2015

Walk #1 Craswall, Herefordshire

The fantastic ridge walk on Black Hill 
Walk 9 out of 100
Walk #1 - Craswall, Herefordshire

Overall Rating - 

Suggested Difficulty - Moderate
My Difficulty Rating - 

Suggested Time - 3h 30m
Actual Time Taken - 3h 25m

Distance in book - 12km
Map my walk Distance - errrrrm... 12km?

The Bull's Head, start/finish
Firstly for this walk I must apologise for my technical fault as the route on map my walk has the first hour missing as I was so far in the sticks that my phone could not pick up a GPS signal to track the route. Onwards and upwards! The walk starts at the Bull's Head pub in Craswall which has road parking outside. 

I gave this walk a four star, if I'm honest it could have been a two star if it wasn't for the fantastic walk along the narrow ridge line from the summit of Black Hill. The main flaw with the route was the vague directions provided to get up Black Hill. In the end I just said 'SOD IT' and picked a direct route straight up the steep hill, very tiring, felt like a little mountain goat! The steep climb was the only difficult part of the walk physically, the hardest part was finding the path up Black Hill.  
Jiminy very wary of the huge rain cloud approaching...


Great views from Black Hill
As you can see from the above photographs, I did get rained on, pretty heavily for about 10 minutes whilst on the hill. I do not think it is a coincidence that this happened on a walk that crosses the Welsh border! The weather changes very quickly up there so make sure you are prepared, thankfully I saw the huge rain cloud heading straight for me. I'd recommend this walk for anybody but if you don't fancy the whole route, there is a car park located at the bottom of the ridge line so you can just go up to the summit and back.

Oh and I saw so many sheep on this walk (again, close to Wales!), it was quite nice to see a cow...

Thanks for reading,


And follow me on Twitter @stefanvilla1991

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