Wednesday 10 June 2015

Walk #43 Ward's Stone, Bowland, Lancashire

Walk 8 out of 100
Walk #43 - Ward's Stone, Bowland

Overall Rating - 

Suggested Difficulty - Challenging
My Difficulty Rating - 

Suggested Time - 5 hours
Actual Time Taken - 4h 28m

Distance in book - 17km
Map my walk Distance - 19.87km

Abbeystead, Start/Finish
This week I ventured into Northern England for my next walk, not quite North of the wall just yet. This very rugged walk went through remote and beautiful moorland. The walk started in the small village of Abbeystead, lots of parking space available outside the school so no parking charges, winner!

I gave this walk a four popcorn rating as it provided pretty much everything I like in a good country walk. There were plenty of great views from the top of Ward's Stone, lots of wildlife, and a variety of terrain to walk on. I have to say the best part of the walk was the remoteness, I did not see another person walking until I made it back to the village. Some walks can be spoilt a little from over crowding.

I wouldn't class this walk as particularly challenging, there was a steady incline up Ward's Stone but for half of it you are walking along well kept gravel tracks and the majority of the other paths are fairly soggy peat, hard to follow at times but nothing too difficult. It may however be a lot more tricky in bad weather, and I could imagine the peaty areas getting far more boggy.

Approaching Ward's Stone

The second trig point on Ward's Stone
There are a few interesting rock formations along the plateau of Ward's Stone, all with random names to try and make them more interesting than just rocks; The Queen's Chair and The Grey Mare with Foal. So for all you rock lovers out there...

I would give this walk a high recommendation for those who love great views, the view over Morcambe Bay and Lancaster is pretty impressive. Also for those who like the idea of getting off the beaten track a little more, but if you are not comfortable being out on your own, take a mate.

Thanks for reading,


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